rendering of buildings at Enso Verde in simi valley, california

Priority Membership

Priority Memberships at Ensō Verde

Opportunities to reserve a spacious residence at Ensō Verde are limited and interest is high. This is especially true now that Priority Memberships are being offered with a package of financial incentives that will no longer be extended once construction has begun. For a fully repayable deposit of $1,000, Priority Members will receive considerations that will easily add up to significant savings.

  • First choice of residences at preconstruction pricing
  • Exclusive privileges such as input on amenities and invitations to special events
  • A 90% repayable Entrance Fee (vs. Standard 75%)
  • A 5% discount on Entrance Fee
  • Second-Person Entrance Fee waived ($35,000)
  • A 15% discount on higher levels of care
  • Residence personalization and professional move-in assistance
  • Parking Fee waived

By reserving these benefits now, you can secure these benefits which will be discontinued once construction is underway at no financial risk. To reserve now, simply complete the reservation form and submit your fully repayable $1,000 deposit.