For many people, “someday” is just another day on the calendar. Someday when the kids are grown. Someday when the house is paid off. Someday when we retire. Trouble is, someday isn’t a fixed time — which usually means everything else will take priority. Someday is just a mental parking lot for future plans that we don’t want to concentrate on right now.
You’ve planned for so many other things in your life (college, kids, buying a house, etc.) – it’s important to take the time to plan for this next big decision in your life. You have a unique opportunity to take stock of what you value in life and what you want your future years to look like and, if that might include a senior living community, to find a community that meets that vision.
Here are five smart reasons why you should trade “I’ll plan for the future someday” for “I’ll start planning for my future right now.”
1. You could enjoy a better quality of life. Living healthier isn’t limited to your physical well-being. To enjoy a better quality of life, you want to focus on all dimensions of wellness, which, in addition to physical, include spiritual, emotional, social, environmental, and intellectual wellness.
Choosing independent living in a senior living community can play a significant role in quality of life: Communities offer monthly calendars full of social opportunities and shared spaces to come together in; fitness programs, on-staff fitness instructors, and state-of-the-art fitness centers; delicious, nutritious dining and a team of culinary experts; spiritual outlets and spiritual mentors; and much more. All this adds up to helping you maintain your independence and continue living life on your terms.
2. You can attain peace of mind. Moving to a senior living community sooner can help relieve a lot of uncertainty and anxiety by putting you in control of your future. And by moving into independent living, you’ll be able to pursue more of the life you already love, without many of the hassles. For example, you’ll have already downsized, and you’ll no longer have to worry about home maintenance.
Many communities also offer other levels of care, including assisted living/personal care, memory support, and in-home services. Though you may not need it now, you may need it one day, so you won’t have to worry about what to do during an unexpected health emergency. Your decision lifts the burden of your future care from your loved ones and keeps you firmly in control of future decisions.
3. You’ll have more time for what you want to do. Most senior living communities take care of many of the chores that would ordinarily be your responsibility — housekeeping, home repairs, maintenance and upkeep, lawn work, grocery shopping, and meal preparation. Use the time you would’ve spent doing household chores to fully enjoy the community and the fellowship of the people who live there.
If you’re wondering what that might look like, you can enjoy the services and amenities the community has to offer. You will have opportunities to socialize, connect with others, and form new friendships. You can travel more, explore a new interest, or deepen your passion for a long-time spiritual practice or hobby. It’s free time that fully belongs to you — not your old responsibilities.
4. You could enjoy a remarkable financial opportunity. As you’re looking forward to your future, some retirement communities are doing the same thing: They’re currently in the construction stages of their future community but not yet open. Many of those communities may offer you significant savings when you put down a small deposit early in the process — and usually, those deposits are fully refundable. In addition, the community may offer you priority membership perks, such as the opportunity to personalize your residence, a discount on your entrance fee, even waiving the second-person fee.
5. You’re in control of the decision. Legendary basketball coach John Wooden once said, “Be quick, but don’t hurry.” In other words, take the time you need to decide — but once the decision is made, take control and make your move on your timeline. Don’t wait too long, or the decision could be made for you. You don’t want to leave your future living or health care options up to loved ones who have to make decisions for you, possibly in a moment of crisis.
No two retirement communities are alike: They have different personalities, services and amenities, and contracts. When you’re in control of the decision, you give yourself the opportunity to do your research to find the community that best meets your needs. You also give yourself time to downsize, and doing it bit by bit instead of in a rush will save you headaches and stress.
You also give yourself and your loved ones time to talk about your decision together and get used to the idea of moving. If you’re selling your longtime home or have children, you may want to give your adult kids time to process this new reality. Remember, they may need time to adjust to the new situation also.
If you’ve been a planner most of your life, planning now for senior living gives you a unique opportunity. You can truly take stock of what matters in your life and what you want your future to look like, then purposefully choose a community that reflects those values.
You’re giving yourself and those who love you a gift. You’re making your future decisions now instead of leaving them for your loved ones to make for you. We talked earlier about the benefits of control and peace of mind, but perhaps the best benefit is that by making a decision early, you gain security. You’re secure in knowing no matter what tomorrow brings, you have a plan for it. You’re secure in knowing your move is want based, not need based. And you’re secure in that if you ever need care, you know where you’ll get it and who will provide it. _______________________________________________________________________
At Ensō Verde, we understand moving to a senior living community is a big decision. We’re here to help. When you contact us, we’ll answer your questions, address your concerns, and give you the opportunity to learn more about this remarkable community, scheduled to open in 2027.

The Right Decision Starts with the Right Information
We’ve created an informative community brochure that will introduce you to Zen-inspired senior living coming soon to Ventura County. You’ll learn about our partnership with the San Francisco Zen Center and The Kendal® Corporation, the advantages of a Life Plan Community, our uniquely different values and practices, benefits of living at our community, and much more!